Guy Finds His Cat Making Friends With The Mouse He Was Supposed To Catch

Guy Finds His Cat Making Friends With The Mouse He Was Supposed To Catch

This is Simon, a sweet cat who’s found an unusual way of ridding his home of “pests.”

He turns them into guests.

A few weeks ago, Simon’s owner, Benjamín Sagredo, began hearing some strange noises coming from his kitchen in the city of Punta Arenas, Chile. The sounds were faint, happening only occasionally, so Sagredo wasn’t too concerned.

“We didn’t know what it was,” Sagredo told The Dodo. “We had seen Simon playing with something under an armchair once, but we didn’t give it much thought.”

Turns out, Simon had become aware of an intruder who’d been making these sounds — and he decided to make him feel welcome.


One morning, while about to step into the kitchen, Sagredo happened upon a surprising scene. There, drinking from his water bowl, was Simon. And next to him was a mouse.

The bighearted cat had apparently made friends with the animal he was presumably born to hunt.

“They looked closely acquainted. Simon was being affectionate,” Sagredo said. “I decided to record it. I thought no one would believe me.”

Here’s that moment on video:

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