The movie “Vina: Sebelum 7 Hari” is indeed based on a real-life incident. It’s adapted from a tragic event that occurred in Cirebon in 2016. The story revolves around a murder case that shocked the local community, where a couple was attacked by a motorcycle gang consisting of 11 members. The incident began when the couple, riding a motorcycle, was pelted with stones and subsequently chased down by the gang.
The boyfriend was beaten and stabbed, while Vina was assaulted and both were left to die at the scene. This heinous crime came to light during the funeral process when unusual injuries were noticed on Vina’s body. Her spirit is said to have haunted her family for several days, seeking to have her contact lenses and braces removed. According to reports, Vina’s spirit entered the body of her friend 16 days after her burial, through whom she narrated the details of her murder, shocking her family.